Posting Guidelines

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We believe in freedom of expression. However we are not providing the forum for the freedom to discuss religion, creed, national origin, sex, politics, associations or personal hygiene. We have rules. They must be honored. If you can not accept it, please do not register. Forum is a community of Elan owners and enthusiasts. We have always had standards in the forum and we have a strong belief in the ability of forum members to "self-regulate" to stay within the bounds of those standards. Due to a limited number of volunteer staffing, we are sometimes lax in enforcing them. Still, we have a strong commitment to providing an environment that we consider professional and "family friendly" and we insist on adherence to our principles.

  • All posts must be civil, friendly, and not contain any profanity or references to profanity.
  • All posts must have some point to them and some value.
  • This is not a soapbox. You can't say whatever you like.
  • Stupid, pointless topics will be deleted.
  • Moderators have a free reign here. If they don't like it, it's toast.
  • Repeat offenders will be banned.
  • This is a family forum - like it or not.

It is not an easy task to define where "the line" that shouldn't be crossed lies. However we'll do our best to provide an example. Consider the following types of discussions and topics:

  1. Elan repair questions and answers
  2. Tips on upgrading an Elan for better handling
  3. The enjoyment of owning and driving an Elan
  4. Garage talk
  5. Tools
  6. Posts about pets, music, beverages, software, and quite a few other topics where cars aren't the primary subject. (Although these are acceptable in the appropriate off topic section.)
  7. Posts criticizing moderating decisions or forum policies.
  8. Highly divisive, controversial issues such as religion, gun control, etc. There are more appropriate forums on the Net for this.
  9. Discussions about human or other mammalian anatomy and bodily functions.
  10. Posts with the sole goal of inciting flame wars, such as "Don't you think owners of xyz cars are jerks?"
  11. Posts containing explicit (even if thinly veiled) profanity and/or pornography
  12. Topics about activities which would result in incarceration.

From the list above, it would probably be agreed by anyone that items 1 through 5 are totally acceptable. It would also probably agreed by most reasonable people that items 10 through 12 are not. What about items 6 through 9? This is the "gray zone" - the area where different people have different levels of tolerance.

For the Forum, we consider items 1 through 5 to be acceptable. Items 7 through 12 are considered off limits.

Unfortunately, determining which side of "the line" a given post falls is not always so simple. Forum moderators have the difficult task of making that judgment call. Hopefully they'll make the decision that is considered "correct" by 95% of the community, but they're human and they will occasionally make mistakes. If you feel that the moderators of a particular forum are making too many mistakes, please contact us with specific details. Do not post complaints, criticisms, or moderation questions on the forum. These posts will be deleted and no explanation will be given.