Forum Rules
We are still working on several areas of the Wiki. Thank you for your patience.
All Topics and Posts must be related to Lotus Elans, accessories, or automotive topics. Appropriate off-topic discussion is permitted in the area designated for such topics.
- Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
- No trolling! Also known as "thread crapping". Please click on the links for definitions/examples.
- No advertising, spamming, fundraising, solicitation, illegal activity, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor.
- If you take issue with a Member's position, by all means speak your mind. If you have a problem with a Member's religion, creed, national origin, sex, politics, associations or personal hygiene, take it to e-mail.
- No bashing - Deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand, product or company will get you banned. If you have a complaint or comment to make then make it once and make sure you have facts to support it. If you have a specific ongoing dispute with a vendor, the forum is not the place to seek resolution. Please work directly with the vendor to reach a resolution.
- As we can never convey a philosophy through a few rules, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to edit or delete posts and/or to revoke membership. At best you will receive one warning.