Vacuum Pipe Routing

PostPost by: bob_rich » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:15 pm

Hi Folks

How do the vacuum pipes run when the car has a single brake servo and fail safe headlamps?
I have attached a sketch showing what I think it should be. Would welcome comments or indication of how it runs on the car. Dont seem to be much in the manual and not sure mine was correct when I stripped it all down.

thanks in advance for any help


Vacuum_Pipe_circuit.jpg and
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PostPost by: Robbie693 » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:44 pm

Hi Bob,

The servo vac take-off is from the no. 4 inlet tract, no non-return valve there as their should be one in the servo.

The light system is as you described I think, with the non-return valve screwed into the no. 1 inlet tract.


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PostPost by: bob_rich » Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:24 pm

Thanks Robbie all quite clear now


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