Home made wheel wrench

PostPost by: Otto » Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:10 pm

Hi folks, i am In the proces of making my Own wheel wrench for my octogonal Nader nuts on my +2.
I have made it In aluminium (10mm) and have made a reinforced area for the tourqe wrench. I'll try to post some pictures. my question is:
How Many degrees do i have to bend the wrench, so that it Will clear from the wheel arch.
Do any of you have a wrench? And Can you Tell me the angle?
My guess is that it should be around 10 degrees.
image.jpg and
On the Way to become a wrench
Lotus Elan +2 130S 1971, VW 181 (Thing) 1975, Honda VFR 400R 1991, Vespa GT 1957, VW 231 1975,
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PostPost by: vernon.taylor » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:13 pm

Salut Otto

Why don't you cut off the ends of the tool you made so they're square in shape, and then bolt them together - maybe with some spacing washers if necessary to clear the head of the wheel nut. Your torque wrench would then be well clear of the wheel rim. You'd end up with a homemade tool of this:

Octagonal tool.jpg and

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... _514wt_932

Also, would a torque wrench give a correct reading if the torque centre is not the wheel nut centre?


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PostPost by: Otto » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:39 pm

I Can see the point! The reason i made my tool like this, is that my tourqe wrench dont go so far In strenght. I have placed the square hole to the wrench one foot from center of the octogonal. Then i Can double the value on the wrench....i'll guess.
Tanks for reply
Lotus Elan +2 130S 1971, VW 181 (Thing) 1975, Honda VFR 400R 1991, Vespa GT 1957, VW 231 1975,
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