Diff Problems

PostPost by: Jack » Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:35 pm

Can anyone help please.
I am trying to fit the diff into a reconditioned chassis and just cannot see how it goes in.
As the old chassis was U.S. I cut it up to enable extraction of said diff which was a mistake as I cannot now workout an easy way to put it back.
Is there a set procedure


Jack :unsure:
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Joined: 08 Jun 2004

PostPost by: types26/36 » Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:26 pm

I dont know what you mean by a "reconditioned chassis" has it been repaired ? or is it a replacement ? if it has been repaired was it damaged under the diff ? if a chassis is distorted (by jacking) under the diff it becomes a problem to get the diff in. If you have the Sprint strengthening bracket you have to fit the bracket AFTER the diff is in.
The diff should go in at the left side rear when the wishbone is pulled down and the strut moved out of the way, its a bit of a tight fit but it does go in.
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PostPost by: twincamman » Tue Sep 28, 2004 1:14 am

diff requires a SLIGHT pry with a large screw driver ------nothing major------to set in place -- from the left side--- ed law :huh:
dont close your eyes --you will miss the crash

Editor: On June 12, 2020, Edward Law, AKA TwinCamMan, passed away; his obituary can be read at https://www.friscolanti.com/obituary/edward-law. He will be missed.
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PostPost by: Jack » Wed Sep 29, 2004 8:27 pm

Thanks for the advice. Managed to squeeze it in with the help of a patient friend.
I think my main problem was that I had the chassis strengthened as per advice on these pages preventing the little bit of flex which seems to be needed.
I just hope its a long time before I have to remove it!

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