Building a double Cherry Bomb muffler for Elan S2

PostPost by: loueelotus » Sat Oct 05, 2019 5:29 pm

Hi, I will be building with some friends a double Cherry Bomb muffler for my Elan S2 this winter to config into the muffler pocket of the Elan S2. What I am curious about is the sound that comes from this system. A single muffler is very loud 85 db It will sound lower but how much and will a double system sound nice? Please give me your take on that.. We have checked and it will fit nicely and powder coat it black. Here is a rough drawing with cuts still to be made to fit..

20190718_194423.jpg and
M bend to be cut and shortened
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PostPost by: Fred Talmadge » Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:49 pm
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PostPost by: loueelotus » Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:54 pm

I asked them they have no idea. i also asked Summit and the same answer.. So I will experiment and see what happens..
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PostPost by: benymazz » Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:27 am

I guess I'l jump in here. I have no idea how it would sound but I would love to hear the results. My current muffler is a glasspack (same design as cherry bomb) but the bore is 1 5/8 to suit the stock exhaust pipe. I measured the length of the body (excluding pipes) as about 16 inches IIRC. I am replacing with a 1 3/4 bore glasspack that has a body length of 12 inches. My goal is to deepen out the sound a little bit - the 1 5/8 one was quite nice, very soft and gentle at idle but noticeable once you got on the throttle, but I believe that a bigger bore and slightly less length will hopefully let 'er roar a little more at WOT as well as helping me hear the engine at idle :lol: . Louder is inevitable, yes, but that is not my primary goal.

If louder was my goal I would get something with a V8 - I'm pretty sure even with no muffler my Elan would still be quieter than half the Mustangs here in Daytona!

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PostPost by: loueelotus » Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:41 am

Thank you Ben.. I thought It would be as you think. I will do it as a winter project and see and hear how it works out..
If I can remember I will send you the sound and give you my thoughts on it..

I am also rebuilding the Webers when she goes to sleep haha, so busy winter which is long in Canada anyways..

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Louis Lottner
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PostPost by: h20hamelan » Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:38 pm

I might consider a resonator, then muffler.
I am not sure how many believe in free flowing catalytic converter, but we all should have them. Even the fuel injected folk.
A muffler muffles everything, a resonator eliminates drone at certain RPM?s. Most are for cruising 2000rpm. Each one is different.
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PostPost by: benymazz » Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:50 pm

h20hamelan wrote:I might consider a resonator, then muffler.
I am not sure how many believe in free flowing catalytic converter, but we all should have them. Even the fuel injected folk.
A muffler muffles everything, a resonator eliminates drone at certain RPM?s. Most are for cruising 2000rpm. Each one is different.

This. I forgot about this. My understanding parallels yours - resonators are very useful for making a sound more easy on the ears for long distance driving without changing it too much.

My concern about adding a resonator to an Elan is the same as adding a cat - with the already-sparse ground clearance there just isn't room for it. Perhaps you could tuck a resonator into the stock muffler cutout but that would be tight I think since you still need to put the muffler somewhere. Also with a cat I would be very concerned about the heat and how you would make a heat shield for it.

The cat would also get rid of what my friend semi-affectionately calls "the lawnmower smell", a mixture of unburnt hydrocarbons and burning oil that I find to be a key part of my Elan's personality :lol:
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PostPost by: loueelotus » Thu Aug 06, 2020 4:43 am

20200326_132044.jpg and
Just before installation
Hi, Twin Cherry bombs are in the Lotus for several months NOW and it sounds just like a monster and when in a top gear it is fairly quiet..

Love it..and it worked out

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PostPost by: h20hamelan » Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:26 am

2 mufflers, would act similar to a resonator and a muffler.
best it is mild steel
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