clutch release bearing.. is this the final state?

PostPost by: hansaxl » Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:05 am


I have used the overwhelming info in this forum for quite a while, and I have been the proud owner of an early +2 for two months now. Have already done about 10 k km with it, including rallying over the Alps... flawless and ab-so-lute-ly wonderful. Had some 100 hours of labour spent with the car as well, which was also fun. The car is so easy to work on, but you all know that.

So, here's the question of today: I have had the conspicious rattling noise for the past 1000 km or so when depressing the clutch pedal, including that feeling in the pedal as well. Sounds like the engine has to come out this winter to replace the clutch release bearing. I haven't bothered too much for the time being, but now things have changed slightly: When pressing the clutch on idle, the engine's revs go down and it would die if I wouldn't keep it alive with the throttle. Alarming, or a normal side effect of the damage?? Some of you guys have posted that they did fine with the noise etc. for 10 k or so. So, I am wondering if the bearing will not last another 50 km or if it will..

Thanks in advance for any answer. This is a great forum!!!

Cheers form Germany,

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PostPost by: robertverhey » Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:10 am

In my youth I drove a Morris 1100 with a noisy, rough clutch bearing for a year or so before i finally got it fixed (and then only because the noise was annoying me)....but if there's sufficient drag to slow the motor when you press the clutch in, that sounds like it might be close to I'd be looking at it pronto. Robert
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:55 am

Hi Hans...

I totally agree with Robert. I also think this could let you down. It does sound like you are putting a fair braking effect on the engine when you depress the clutch. I suspect the bearing is definitely finished and this is what you are feeling when you take up on the clutch pedal.

With any luck it wont be the crank thrust bearings. It is not normally these parts.They do wear but not often rapidly.

Why not just take out the motor and fix it? I personally would not be too keen to go too far in the car. It might come back on a trailer.. There is also a possibility of some damage to other components for E.G. the gearbox input shaft if it does let go big style.

I do hope it does not, but I would fix it sooner rather than later.

Al'..... 8)
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PostPost by: hansaxl » Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:33 pm

Yes, I think you are right. Anything else would be wishful thinking. So, that sounds like a classic winter job. And, as I will take the engine out, there is many more jobs that can be done with that... So, more posts to come...

Thanks, Hans
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PostPost by: JJDraper » Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:47 pm

Sounds like its on its way. I had a release bearing go over a protracted period - two years & about 15,000 miles. It used to squeal, for a while, then go quite for a while. My view was that it would not do any damage if it failed completely, but could strand me somewhere, so I ran it until I could save up the cost of getting it fixed. The final process was the total collapse of the bearing, releasing ball bearings from time to time to rattle about in the bellhousing. It made a horrible noise, but the clutch still worked, allowing me to drive it to the workshop to get it finally fixed. The bearing as you can see had completely disintegrated, but the clutch still worked. Friction plate and housing were fine, but replaced as a precaution.

A word of advice, if you get the clutch done, get the input shaft bearing done at the same time - mine went (symptom was increasing noise in neutral and clutch dragging) six months after the clutch went - engine out again.

Release Bearing 2.jpg and
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