Fiber glass versus DOT 4 Brake fluid

PostPost by: Emma-Knight » Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:27 pm

:shock: After topping up the clutch fluid two times and not finding where it went... into the felt behind the pedals. It crept its way almost to the boot... :evil: soaking the tunnel felt bottom.... Ok, all out and dried and wiped with water - is there any cure for brake fluid I could use on fiber glass?

Checked the clutch master cylinder bore: some scratches inside from dirt that worked itself along the steel piston. When in rest position, the fluid ran slowly through this micro channel into felt. Not visible as it happened behind the rubber dust cover that was in touch with the felt. It took about two weeks of standing to do so.

PS: I change over to DOT 5 now!

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PostPost by: mikealdren » Wed Jun 13, 2007 10:01 am


I'm not sure what the best solvent for brake fluid is but Acetone is a safe and powerful solvent to use on GRP. you could start by seeing if Acetone mixes with the brake fluid. If they mix, I'd try it.

You could also try detergent and water, brake fluid absorbs water so water will probably wash most of it off.

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