All British Field Meet - Vancouver BC Canada

PostPost by: stugilmour » Tue Mar 08, 2011 5:02 am

The All British Field Meet at VanDusen Gardens in Vancouver BC Canada
Banquet is on Friday, May 20th 2011
Show is on Saturday, May 21st 2011
Featured Marque this year is Triumph
Includes a run to Whistler on Sunday May 22nd. This is the home of the 2010 Winter Olympics, and is a beautiful drive of a couple of hours at a very leisurely pace.

This is all taking place on the Victoria Day long weekend in Canada, which is a week before the US Memorial Day weekend.

According to their web site, this has become the largest British show in Canada & the Pacific North West.

Hoping I can take the Lotus down this year. There are usually a few hardy souls from our club in Calgary that go down.
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PostPost by: Sea Ranch » Wed May 25, 2011 9:43 am

Greetings, Stu, and others who made it to the All British Field Meet - Van Dusen Gardens, Vancouver, BC, Canada (ABFM)!

Here's a link to my PhotoBucket album of random pix. Poor selection of just a few of the hundreds of beautiful cars out this past Saturday, despite the rain. ... %20Canada/

Here's a couple shots of the two Plus 2 representatives at the Meet: Stu's beautiful red '69 and my "original, unrestored" Bahama Yellow (a poor pretender)! Both Stu and I were thrilled to be able to get our cars there, each for different reasons. But it was a pleasure to meet up in person with Mr. Gilmour and to see so many wonderful cars.




Hope you made it back to Calgary safely, Stu!!
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PostPost by: stugilmour » Wed May 25, 2011 11:29 pm

Thanks for the pic's and remarks Randy! Randy's car is very complete, and is going to be a ton of fun. The Plus 2's took second and third place in their show class (Lotus - Closed). We were both beat out by a fantastic Europa, owned by the original owner. We knew we were in trouble when the owner was lovingly drying the car during the ever present Vancouver drizzle!

Bill (Keep your stick on the ice!) had his Elan over from Vancouver Island, and it looked great in between all the Seven's. Other highlight in Lotus - Open was a beautiful Lotus 11 replica; just incredible and fabricated from the original shop drawings and sporting a Climax engine.

Made it back to Calgary safe and sound. Total mileage on the car is about 1,500 for the trip! Through the Canadian Rocky Mountains is a trip I would highly recommend. This is the first real run for the car since the body off refresh, and I am completely pleased with the results.

Although my odometer needs some attention, I estimate I got approx 30 mpg on the trip and no tickets! Only minor mechanical issues, including rather dramatic failure of the bonnet hold down (no damage, just adjustment required). Malcolm of Auto Mann rushed my clutch pilot bearing repair through the shop, and I only was able to road test the car briefly before departing on the big trip. My sister is now fully familiar with driveway oil removal techniques. A couple of the exhaust manifold fasteners loosened off immediately after the show, resulting in a poor seal on number three for the whole trip home as the gasket would not re-seal. Also, the temp gauge has decided to read consistently low, so that will need a bit of attention. All in all, pretty reliable performance!

Randy didn't come on the associated Whistler Mountain run on Sunday, so I will assemble a few pic's of that event. Whistler was the Winter Olympic host, and the upgraded road to the mountain is fantastic. There were over 100 cars assembled in the courtyard where they presented the Olympic medals. A number of Seven's on the Whistler run were a highlight.

For anyone considering attending the Vancouver ABFM next year, I can highly recommend it. Fantastic organization and a great variety of cars, maybe 500 or so. Several of the folks I met at the host hotel from Washington & Oregon considered it the highlight of the year for them. Hoping I can get down to Portland OR and Bellevue WA in the future which have similar events.
Stu's Plus 2 Crosses the Rockies - Twice.jpg and
Plus 2 at Castle Mountain on the return trip from the 2011 Vancouver ABFM
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PostPost by: stugilmour » Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:56 pm

Here is a link to some more pic's. :) Several of the photo's look they are from previous years as well.
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PostPost by: Ross Robbins » Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:11 pm


You Rock!! :D What a great adventure in a very well done restoration. It is my considered opinion, which is mine, as they say, that there are better looking, sounding and investment cars than any Lotus but there is no better driving experience than that in a Lotus. I have had every street model from a 7 to a 100 and I love the driving experience in each of them. So, good on you for your willingness to get out on the road and crush bugs with that brand new paint. That is what these cars are meant for and should be so used. And by the way, what a beautiful job you did on the restoration. She is gorgeous...but then I always did like redheads :lol:

And Randy,

I am delighted that you got your original unrestored car to the show. With a little rain beading up on the finish, one would never guess that is the original 40 year old paint. I hope you will hit the road as Stuart did and drive the wheels off her. If you get half the fun per mile I did you will be grinning from ear to ear. :lol:
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PostPost by: Sea Ranch » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:50 pm

I'll have to agree with you, Ross, on all points. (And thanks again for walking me through the purchase of your ex-car :) ) (Did I mention I even got a ribbon at the ABFM: third place in Lotus closed car category :mrgreen: )

As for the paint, I have to say: when I wash it, it really does shine. Surprizing. It's a true 20 footer: it really does look good (and it's quite photogenic, too)!

And every sunny day that I feel compelled to bicycle-commute to work, I'm sad inside :wink:
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PostPost by: memini55 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:25 am

Hi Stu,

I would second Ross or maybe third. The +2 looks wonderful and a very nice job done! Well at least for now as it is a Lotus and you will always be tinkering with something. I guess that is why we all love them so much, it is never ending.
Enjoy your labors as it looks great.

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PostPost by: stugilmour » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:20 pm

Thanks guys, appreciate the remarks. Hopefully encourages others to finish the work and drive their cars. Looking forward to LOG in Las Vegas, and hope to hook up with Ross & the Colorado folks!

Have added a few more pic's from the Whistler tour.
Really Nice Mini Traveller at Whistler.jpg and
This Woody Mini really impressed me at the show, and it won it's class along with best restoration under $35K. BC owner restored, with all the correct bits. Brought back memories as I had one back in the day.
Winning Europa a.jpg and
The Europa that won the class made it to Whistler as well. This really was a beautiful car.
MG's at Whistler.jpg and
Lot's of MG's made it to Whistler, as did Morgans.
Plus 2 at the Whistler Run b.jpg and
Same car, with a nice Roller in the background.
Plus 2 at the Whistler Run a.jpg and
This Plus 2 was on the Whistler run, but not entered in the show. Locally owned, the owner purchased in the '70's with a seized engine. Nice car.
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PostPost by: chickenhole » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:04 am

Hey Guys,

I fell in love with the Red +2 at the ABFM this year and moved it to the top of my WANT list.

In June I found a good candidate at a fair price and snapped it up (sight unseen, pics only) for 13k. After much hassle at the border, nightmares with the BC inspection, and 4-5 trips to the ICBC registration office it was finally registered!

Most fixes were minor, leaky clutch slave, loose wire on starter, tuning the carbs, realizing that when it says 1/4 tank it is actually dead empty... I took it out to an autcross event this past weekend and was very happy with its performance.

All that being said, it does need some work, mostly cosmetic (I hope). I'd love to pull up side by side with a local car and see what has been messed with, what was just and option, and what was pulled off a ford and slapped on. I am in East Van, but happy to drive to wherever (no not Calgary...)

Looks like the bumpers were painted (all originals were chromed?)
Badly needs new carpets
Dash is crackled
has ugly after market cassette deck
some spider webbing and faded paint areas
fuse box is whack! someone got tired of futzing with the british electrics and wired up a plexiglass box the folds out. Or is that original? I sure hope not...

Anything else look odd? I'll post more pics another time.

Anyway, thanks for the inspiration, super stoked to have this car and be part of the lotus world. Hope you guys are as friendly as my early SAAB friends. I also have a 1969 SAAB Sonett v4 and a 1973 SAAB 96.
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PostPost by: stugilmour » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:00 am

Welcome aboard. Hopefully Randy will be along, or shoot him a PM for a side by side.

Looks like the bumpers were painted (all originals were chromed?) Yes, chrome on the Plus 2, painted on the Elan. Replacements for me came from Vietnam in SS, but this is a bit of a controversial choice. If not damaged consider re-plating.

Badly needs new carpets Got mine on eBay from a guy in Florida, or can be cut yourself from a pattern of the one's you have. They are all flat pieces, not molded shapes, so not a big deal. Fitted sets available from the UK; never checked with NA suppliers for them.

Dash is crackled Best dash sources in NA are Randy at Prestige Autowood in Cali or check out the guy in the vendor area that recently posted asking for details on RHD Elan dashes, (business-listings-f3/www-cgwoodcraft-com-elan-dashboards-t21776.html). Not sure if cg has the Plus 2 pattern yet, but you could ask. Randy's are lettered, cgwoodcraft I believe are unlettered but cheaper. If cg doesn't have the Plus 2 pattern, he may offer you a special deal if you send him the dash as a pattern? If you want to re-finish yourself or replace, note the winter is all about the wiring. :) Will take care of the fuse box issue below.

has ugly after market cassette deck Does it actually fit in the dash? The mounting depth is generally a big issue when looking for a replacement.

some spider webbing and faded paint areas Just drive it!

fuse box is whack! someone got tired of futzing with the british electrics and wired up a plexiglass box the folds out. Or is that original? I sure hope not... Not stock. Stock two fuse set-up on the early cars is politely described as limited. Haven't seen yours. but heck it could be an improvement. The PO's heart was probably in the right place! :)

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PostPost by: Sea Ranch » Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:31 am

And welcome from Metro Vancouver, Chickenhole!

As for that red +2 at the ABFM, we're both out of luck as it's Stu's, in Calgary. I'm hoping he'll make the trek out here again, May 2012 (and that it won't be raining!).

My car was the other +2, in Bahama Yellow.

And good for you!! You found one. Mine came from San Diego and I know what you're talking about when you describe the export/import and provincial safety inspections, etc.

But this does mean that there are 2 Elan +2s travelling our roads now, no?. Wow. I'm using mine as a "daily driver" (probably out 5 days a week in it, through Surrey, New West and Burnaby, mostly).

Will look forward to meeting you. (PM sent) :mrgreen:

Hope you'll start a thread soon with some pics . . .


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PostPost by: chickenhole » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:08 pm

Not a real 'daily driver' Though I did take it to work yesterday, was going to this AM but I left the key in and in on position so battery drained and my booster pack was dead too... so tomorrow maybe. But you should see my rolling regularly. Commercial Drive (home) - Gas Town (office). She sure gets lots of looks.

I don't want to bring it back to perfect, i want to drive it, auto cross it, chuck crap in the back and enjoy it. Highest priorities are:

- Ugly cassette deck (which does fit fine, not sure if dash was cut though, maybe) Would love something period for the dash, what would have been in it? I will wire something under dash I can plug the iPod into, but for now I prefer the sound of the twinky.
- Fresh carpets (Really faded and dirty)
- Brakes (weaker than I'd like, I bleed them, but will flush them this weekend and see if it improves)

Wiring is ugly... way to many snipped wires and dead ends. Already had a couple of gremlins that turned out to just be loose wires to ignition and starter. Tempted to pull the whole harness...

Dash. I am not a wood worker, i am barely a mechanic... I'll happily send it our somewhere, thanks for the leads.

Paint. Is fine for now. Maybe in a year or three.

I have a few pics but was planning on taking some nicer ones this weekend. Will post the pretty ones as well as the :? ones.
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PostPost by: Sea Ranch » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:33 pm

Great, great. And thanks for the PM.

Will look forward to your "I've got a new toy" thread real soon!
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PostPost by: twincamman » Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:42 pm

oh dear .A British car show in rainy B.C.? Ill bet there wasn't a CAA truck available for days after . :lol: ..ed
dont close your eyes --you will miss the crash

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PostPost by: Sea Ranch » Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:50 pm

Yup. Can you imagine: rain in Vancouver in May!! :shock:

But on the other hand, you'd think all those British cars and bikes would feel right at home. :wink:

Never thought about the toll on CAA/BCAA resources. Now that I think about it, though, all those who arrived on their own power seem to have left that way (I was one of the last) so that's pretty amazing.

But check out what was at Van Dusen Gardens this weekend: "Luxury + Supercar Weekend". Admission was $50-$150 for spectators, all cars were pre-screened and approved, and a concours d'elegance was held, along with "fashion shows".

I have to say, the cars would be interesting but the fashion . . . :roll: ... story.html "Dress to impress is dress code for show"


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