Springtime in Norway..

PostPost by: thor » Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:57 pm

Finally the nice spring weather has arrived here, after coming home from Easter weekend in London and nearly freezing to death!
The first outdoor meeting of the year in the Norwegian Sports Car Club, a huge general club, of which this is a fortnightly meeting/drive.
Lovely spread of cars, with evrything from an XK150 to a 240Z, and ages from a 1956 Porsche 356 to a 2006 Exige ....
Lovely having the (for now) faultless +2 out, except unimportant things like non-functioning brake lights..:-)
DSCN0299.JPG and
DSCN0301.JPG and
evil looking Alpine..
Thor Svaboe
1973 +2S130/5 white/silver

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PostPost by: b-havers » Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:28 am

Would very much liked to be there, but you know....
Bjorn-Anders, Norway
'95 Caterham Seven Roadsport
'02 Elise Supercharged
ex Europa S2
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PostPost by: thor » Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:58 pm

I know. And the weekend was lovely, parked the Golf on friday afternoon, and didn't use it again until monday morning. All weekend with the Lotus, shopping, work etc, all performing faultlessly...:-)
Thor Svaboe
1973 +2S130/5 white/silver

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PostPost by: b-havers » Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:34 pm

yeah yeah yeah yeah
ba bla bla bla...

Just you wait, Thor, I'll meet you in the Elan soon. :D

I hope.... :oops:
Bjorn-Anders, Norway
'95 Caterham Seven Roadsport
'02 Elise Supercharged
ex Europa S2
ex Elan +2S 130
ex Esprit Turbo
ex Caterham SS

Life is too short to drive boring cars
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