Lotus parking at classic Le Mans

PostPost by: chrishewett » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:04 pm

My car actually got there and back! 1427 almost trouble free miles.
DSCF0012.JPG and
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PostPost by: stuartgb100 » Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:19 pm

Nice one!

Now, what was the 'almost' I wonder ...........
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PostPost by: Hamish Coutts » Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:34 pm

Nice one Chris.

I'll bet you didn't think you'd be doing that a few weeks ago!

That'll be it run in, then?

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PostPost by: chrishewett » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:15 pm

I had a puncture on the M25. While putting the repaired wheel back on in Boulogne I noticed that a rotoflex had started to split. I completed the trip ( 1,100 miles) at less than 60mph and with no hard acceleration. Not much fun being constantly overtaken by every MGB on the road! Apart from that, a dodgy battery connection ( fixed) and a faulty kenlow fan switch ( bypassed).
The rebuilt engine ran perfectly.
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PostPost by: stuartgb100 » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:05 pm

So, then, pretty much as expected in 1400 odd miles ....!

There are those on the road that don't do that mileage in a full year.

Amazing what a light toolkit and bags of ingenuity can achieve.
Hopes that your recent probs are behind you, with that mileage under your belt.

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PostPost by: dougweall » Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:21 pm

Good to catch up with you Chris, even if it was on foreign soil.
Glad to know you made it back home again.
Did you see Old English White and Bluey on Sunday
OEW and B.jpg and
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PostPost by: chrishewett » Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:02 pm

I actually met very few people ( with the notable exception of yourself, Doug) as most just parked and then went off to watch the racing. But what a great event it was!
I fitted the new coupling this evening and have just got back from a blast. It really is all worth it!
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PostPost by: theelanman » Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:59 pm

nice pic.....
especially as you have the cars of Ian, Paul and myself in the pic.....think that could have been a pic from the sunday......
shame we didnt meet!!!...
dont forget to mention that CLOG, Club Lotus France and the historic lotus register, and all the other lotus clubs who were on the stand but without a banner thing, won the concours de clubs for their variety of cars......evrything from the 40/50's to 2006 in models......
the porsche club with all 1500000000 911's didnt get the prize..lotus did....
erm club lotus france have kept the trophy but if you missed it I have a pic.....
and nice to meet the club lotus france guys too.....JPGP monsieur le presidente......very nice chap indeed
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PostPost by: Old English White » Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:39 am

... Hi Doug ,
As you said , the picture is on .net : Coool!
I was really happy to meet you and "bluey" , congratulations , you have made a real nice job !
For us , the way back home was a kind of mix between nightmare , luck and adventure ... 40 km from Le Mans , a nearly loose spinner make really loosen hub pins ... fix that by removing one pin on eatch hub , and with the help of a Peugeot Sport meccanic , 25 minutes later , we were on the road again ... luck seems to be here , but ... 40 km from home , In a traffic jam , I discover the reason of the first stop ... A worn bearing ...(why so late ? I had to join very slowly a gas station , was wearing gloves , and so the hub wasn?t hot enough to warn me ?now I?ll know ; spinner?s didn? get loose without reason , that?s a new Lotus rule for me ) , luck was here again , the president of our club , JPGP , stop his Esprit at our back and found us a truck to give a safe place , in friends of mine?s garage .Luck was here to , because another french Lotus club member stop at the back of the truck , having recognise the car , and he (Pierre , Europa twin owner) gave us a lift . And this is only on thurday than ?Old English White? join her home , with the help of Gilles , an S3 Elan owner (see pict). Saturday , we will know about the pivot ...

DSC03246.JPG and

I wish I meet more of you , guys , but I wanted to see the maximum of this event , because you have to wait until 2008? before the next Le Mans Classic ... !
When near my car (I think, one of the most remarkable on the parking) , I ask people arround about lotuselan.net and meet only two of them.
We seriously have to think about a kind of ?rendez-vous? at a ?meeting point?during this kind of important event , no !? This should be decide in advance on the forum by one of us who know most on the event and his location , schedule , etc ....
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PostPost by: dougweall » Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:28 am

Hey G,

Post up the picture of "OUR" trophy, I knew nothing about this.

I am sure all at NYLOC will be chuffed to bits.

Just a thought, as Christian and myself have said about knowing who is who from this site when going to a meet like this, Christian had "Old English White" in the window of his car. Maybe we should all do the same sort of thing and post up a time to all be there. Surely it must be as simple as that :?: :lol: Or is nothing that simple :?: :wink:

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PostPost by: Old English White » Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:43 pm

... Here is our Trophy :
Prix 04.JPG and
It belong to every car parked during this week-end ...
"Felicitations aux participants!"
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