PostPost by: MACCA.GLM » Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:02 am

Hi all

Can anyone tell me the correct thermostat for road going sprint is it 74 degree or 82 degree and what the optimum temp is on gauge for the Twink to run efficiently.


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PostPost by: TonyA » Wed Sep 25, 2024 12:55 pm

My official Lotus Elan factory workshop manual says thermostat opening temp is 78 DegreesC

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PostPost by: 512BB » Wed Sep 25, 2024 7:18 pm

There was a recent argue / debate on this topic. In the spring I change all the stats on my cars to 74 degree ones. This allows those engines to run at about 80 degrees, which I find perfect. If I want to run a car in the winter, I change the stat to a 78 degree one, and then it again runs at 80 degrees, which I find optimum.

If I run 78 degree stats in the summer, the engines then run at 85 degrees on the gauge, and for me, there is then not enough margin in the system until the fans cut in at 90 degrees.

Having said all that, every twin cam engine and coolings system runs slightly differently, and you will have to carry out a bit of experimentation to see what yours likes, or does not like.

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PostPost by: MACCA.GLM » Wed Sep 25, 2024 8:49 pm

Hi Leslie

I have a 74 degs stat in the engine so I will leave that in.

Thanks for your reply


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