Coolant passage here?

PostPost by: gjz30075 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:49 pm

Take a look at the pic. There's a freeze plug, or welsh plug, in the head just ahead of #1. My Sprint's
weber head doesn't have this. Notice the coolant pooling there and more rearward. Does coolant
pass below this area? Can this plug be replaced insitu?
010.jpg and
Greg Z
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PostPost by: types26/36 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 5:59 pm

I think you must be working on a mk1 head, yes there is a coolant passage but it is not the only place with the welsh plugs.
There are two more on the inlet side and one at the back of the head.
The one you are referring to can be replace with the head on but the rear one cannot, not sure about inlet side two, never tried to do it with the head in situ.
Attached some pics of the rear one being replaced .......they are all the same to replace.
Opps ...I forgot there are two more on the exh side see:
0.jpg and
1.jpg and
2.jpg and
3.jpg and
4.jpg and
5.jpg and
6.jpg and
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PostPost by: gjz30075 » Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:53 pm

Thanks Brian. I guess I'm lucky here, as the others are not weeping. I'll give this one a go.
Greg Z
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