Catch tank / can

PostPost by: 661 » Wed May 13, 2015 7:58 pm

At present the breather at the rear of the cylinder head vents via a pipe to the floor around the gearbox. Hardly clean, either for my rear end nor the road/track.
Can I vent via a catch can to the Stromberg back plate when the air filter is a Pipercross, ie foam front section?

I assume there is something to be gained by doing this as far as engine back pressures go? ( road engine)

If there's no benefit to the engine then I'm tempted to vent the output hose back to ground, hopefully with less discharge.
Any thoughts?

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PostPost by: billwill » Thu May 14, 2015 2:14 pm

Long discussion about breathers and catch cans in this topic:

In short.

The early Elans had a drip pipe from the breather hole, which dripped its waste oil on the road. The later Elans had a pipe with a wire filter in it, going from the breather hole near the back of the head to a short projecting pipe on the air box just to the rear of the rear trumpet.

Many owners have fitted catch tanks instead in various places.
Bill Williams

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PostPost by: 661 » Sat May 16, 2015 4:11 pm

Thanks Bill.
There's some good stuff there. The question still remains about the suitability of plumbing into a foam air filter but it sounds like there were more concerns about a flash back of fuel down to the head, than my perceived concern about oil soiling the inside of the air filter.
A small catch can and some stainless stell wool and the necessary plumbing seems to be in order.
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