4/5 speed cluth pressure plate

PostPost by: john.p.clegg » Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:38 am

Dear All

Has anyone any knowlege or this....

Is the five speed clutch pressure plate just the same as the four speed version albeit with the "platen" removed...seems so?

With Platen flat faced bearing
2015_0402pressureplate0001.JPG and

Without Platen curved face bearing
2015_0402pressureplate0002.JPG and

John :wink:
Last edited by john.p.clegg on Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPost by: dougal9887 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:54 am

I thought only the five speed used the 8.5" cover plate with straight fingers and that the four speed used a smaller , 8"?, cover plate with platen and the curly fingers?
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PostPost by: AussieJohn » Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:37 am

I think the 5 speed has a bigger dia. pressure plate but when I looked at fitting a 5 speed box I found the dia. of a 4 speed fitted the 5 speed driven plate [just]. If you are using a 4 speed clutch arm and bearing carrier then a bit of fettling needed; the internal dia. of the carrier needs opening out and the finger ends of the arm need a bit of filing.
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PostPost by: rgh0 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:19 am

The standard 5 speed pressure plate suited a maximum 8.5 inches clutch plate and a 8.5 inch clutch plate was fitted. The splines on the 5 speed gear box are different from the 4 speed for the clutch plate

The standard 4 speed pressure plate also suited a maximum 8.5 inches clutch plate but a 8 inch plate was fitted as standard. It can be replaced with a suitable 8.5 inch pressure plate.

There are detail differences in the 5 speed pressure plate in terms of the thrust bearing locating mount height and style but otherwise they are fundamentally the same.

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PostPost by: tonyr27 » Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:36 am


I believe the guy who I bought my Plus 2 off has a new pressure plate for a 5 speed box.

I think he's looking for around ?35 for it and based in South Yorkshire. He's on holiday until the weekend, but if you need one I can contact him.

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PostPost by: john.p.clegg » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:20 pm


One can use either 8" or 8 1/2" friction plate and 8" or * 1/2" pressure plate on 4 speed Twincs..

Aussie John

Yes,agree,was that man...




Don't need a pressure plate yet ( especially if removing the platen gives me one )

Just trying to get rid of a nasty rattle ( only at tickover in neutral without the clurch depressed ) coming from the clutch cover,which I think is the loose platen,

Next step to adapt the curved-face bearing to the carrier ( vice-versa )

John :wink:
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