Diff. removal and jackstand placement -Snapped output shaft

PostPost by: ardee_selby » Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:56 am

V.nice...reminds me of the Queen lyric: "The machine of a dream / Such a clean machine"

Q. How is the battery box anchored?
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PostPost by: SubaruPaul » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:30 pm

Thanks Bill , but no credit due my way for the porthole. Local Elan owner turned us on to this one. It's a Beckson marine port. Allows easy access for filling.

Battery retainer held down by three bolts with countersunk heads , nuts down under. (no offense Aussies and Kiwis) :mrgreen:

I will do my best to get more shots of the car. Unfortunately a crew that worked on this car long ago killed the surface of the body - more or less. It's got a decent coat with a few nicks and such but nothing hideous. In other words , the top coat isn't very pretty but from several feet away it looks great. Guessing when that gets done someday it'll be one of the best around.

Again , I can't stress enough just how nice it is to work on something where no rust or road grime falls onto you when you're under it. Grease from the axles was about all that got me.

While its on my mind - please note that when you guys go to align the wishbones that you'll need to compress the springs either with a spring compressor or using a jack under the shock support. Latter method requires going slow and making sure the car isn't lifting off the stands and shifting over the poor sucker under it. :lol: Seems if you just go slowly the spring tends to not "knot up" for lack of a proper term. And you have just a couple of cranks of the jack from the time you have good alignment until the car wants to lift. At least that was out experience with these springs. They are not new.
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