driveshaft donuts Quinton Hazell Part No.

PostPost by: GrUmPyBoDgEr » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:14 am

john.p.clegg wrote:Now are we talking donuts or U/Js as my numbers are for U/Js..

John :wink:

My latest interpretation is just Donuts John.
The ensuing discussion about UJ's mixed with donuts turned out to be just smoke in the wind :roll:

I also thought that Triumph Spitfires, heralds etc. had fixed length drive shafts with UJ's & a laterally mounted leaf spring as the other suspension location, making them a swing axle car.
You can only work with the information you're given :wink:

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Editor: On Sunday morning, February 8th 2015, Derek "John" Pelly AKA GrumpyBodger passed away genuinely peacefully at Weston Hospicecare, Weston Super Mare. He will be missed.
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