MT 75 clutch activation

PostPost by: seascape » Wed May 14, 2014 4:38 pm

Hi - have managed to shoehorn an ex Scorpio MT 75 into a standard 1967 S3 chassis.

Does anybody know what is a suitable bore for the concentric clutch master cylinder ? will the standard .625" do the job or do I need to go up a size or two ?

Also does anyone supply a feed/bleed hose kit that will suit the concentric slave / Girling style master cylinder.
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PostPost by: RichardHawkins » Wed May 14, 2014 9:31 pm


I think I remember being told by Spyder Engineering that a 5/8 master cylinder is what they use with an MT75. I expect Spyder would be willing to confirm or correct my memory.

Richard Hawkins
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