Head-light rocker and pull-switch

PostPost by: lotusbzz » Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:10 pm

I need help to understand how the headlight rocker switch works and why there is a pull-switch beside.
No idea how my Elan S4 works, I've bought it dismantled, but slowly I'm putting all the pieces togheteher againg.
Now it's time of the electrics and dashboard.

First I have to say that I'm going to replace the pneumatic pop-up of the headlights-pods with the Spyder modification with the MX-5 motor: It works well.

At the moment the wiring situation is the following:

3 positions rocker switch works : parking light ok, the dip works, beam works, flash works
1) rocker on Zero position: no light , pods closed
2) rocker mid position : park light on - dip off - beam off - flash on if required i.e pods pop up with beam light on
3) rocker top position :
switching the lever on the stering column to the mid position the pods pop up with dip light on - flash
working if required
switching the lever on the stering column to the third position the pods are stil on with bean light
continuosly on

My question is the following :
What does the the pull-switch beside the rocker normaly do?
head-light-switche.jpg and

Maybe in the original version of the S4 with vacuum/pneu-lifter the pull-switch holds the the pods open without any dip/beam/headlights on? I can do it with the first step of the rocker, that one that lights the parking-lights
Why I need the pull switch?

Thanks in advance!
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PostPost by: StressCraxx » Sat Oct 27, 2018 6:15 pm

The pull switch is a vacuum/pneumatic valve that raises and lowers the headlamp buckets using vacuum from the vacuum reservoir in the chassis front crossmember. The switch turns on the lights and you pull the switch out to raise the headlamps.

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