International Regularity Rally 28 and 29 of June

PostPost by: Pistacchio sprint 72 » Thu May 22, 2014 11:49 am


I will participate to the international rally of Colmiane and Bolline the saturday 28 and Synday 29 of june.
550km with 13 regularity stages.

On every cars a GPS trippy will be fitted. This will allow many controls everywhere by the organizors.
They won't need humans making secret checkpoints. They will check our trippy afterwards...
So no cheat possible: For example, a long straight ahead of you before 10 hairpins. So you look on both sides to spot if there are any secret checkpoints, you accelerate a bit because you know you will loose speed and time in the hairpins.... Now with that trippy they can set time checkpoint in the middle of the straight, at the en of the straight, after three hairpins and at the top of the hill! it is all computer stuff... no need to have friends waiting all day on the stage hidden behind trees with a chrono in their hands!

Program should be as follow:

Saturday 390 km

8h00 : Rallye start from Colmiane ski resort
8h30 : Turini pass and Orme pass, Abl? pass Braus pass
9h00 : Sospel (entering Italy)
9h30 : OLivetta
10h00 : Vignai , Montalto, colle d?Oggia, San Bernardo di Conio
10h30 : Pieve di Tecco
11h30 : Monte Ceppo,
11h45 : Monte Bignone
13h00 : San Romolo
13h 00 : restaurant stop at Dall?Ava (Ex factory pilot for Lancia/Fiat )
14h40 : Perinaldo
15h30 : Apricale
16h10 : Verrandi
17h10 : Olivetta
18h15 : Sospel
18h45 : col de Turini
18h30 : la Bollene
18h45 : St Martin V?subie
19h00 : Arriv?e Valdeblore la Colmiane
20h00 : Dinner together with all competitors and staff

Sunday 29 june 160KM

09h00 :Start from Colmiane ski resort for 4 stages and one 150 KM stage with numerous check points (35/40)
11h30 : Final stop at the Colmiane ski resort
12h30 : Lunch and Prize award ceremony

An old friend of mine is flying from Paris by plane to do it with me. Should be great fun :mrgreen:
I will prepare the car and set the tripmaster during the week before he arrives friday evening.
One month to wait now...
Image6.jpg and
Cooled down by CliveyBoy!
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Pistacchio sprint 72
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PostPost by: Pistacchio sprint 72 » Sun May 25, 2014 9:20 am

Sorry jeff double post.
Could you please mod erase that one?
thx :mrgreen:
Cooled down by CliveyBoy!
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Pistacchio sprint 72
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