Sunday gathering at Hundertwasser house

PostPost by: el-saturn » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:47 pm

............................... when the weather?s nice we meet here: the cars only have to be at least 30 years
old (pantera??) and even old bikers (and wives in the side cars) join us for a chat - fer 6quid you get a lovely
continental breakfast (no beans, tomatoes, mushrooms boys!!!) and two hours of car talk - just perfect! i also
added a photo of my new grill (i also have the original mad of chicken wire) for which i expect comments from
the purists - enjoy the rest of your sunday: passing mazda m5s! cheers sandy 36/4982
elanGRILL.jpg and
sundayII.jpg and
sundayI.jpg and
Coveted Fifth Gear
Coveted Fifth Gear
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