
PostPost by: cal44 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:54 pm

Besides the pully off of the cam what is the difference between a Europa TC engine and a Elan TC engine.
And, I suspect the hole in the the head could be sealed. What else?

Yes, I'm new too the game.....................and I don't know much....yet.

My reason for asking is too collect an extra engine....just in case. I see Europa engine's pop up from time to time.

Thanks in advance and furthering my education,
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PostPost by: types26/36 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:21 pm

The connection for the bottom hose on the front timing case faces forward on the Europa TC Special as opposed to side entry on the Elan engine.

As noted the TC cover has a cut out to accommodate the cam seal (alternator drive) Exhaust manifold is different and there is no adjustment on the water pump belt.
All of these things can be changed including the front cover.
Europa front cover.jpg and
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