Lotus Elan.net at its best - Gino in Milano

PostPost by: casalunge » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:22 pm

I have just completed my annual pilgrimage to Spa and Monza for the GP's and recuperating inbetween in Tuscany in a well er less than sorted Elan Sprint.

After crossing the Alps (Brenner pass) in 40C plus heat and the Appenines whilst languishing in Toscana the clutch master cylinder cried enough.The thought of kissing goodbye to Monza and Villa D'Este did not bode well.

By coincidence Gino and I had met up in the village of Bolgheri better known for production of Sassicaia and other Super Tuscans than Lotus spares and exchanged parts only the day before.

A quick phone call and Gino arranged for that very item from his stock to be ready for collection at a small wine bar some 200 miles away on the outskirts of Milano. A 7 hour round trip and within 24hrs the Elan was able to convey us to the coast for lunch.

I am of course indebted to Gino - Grazie tante e a presto Gino

If anyone has ever doubted a less than match fit Elan can cross the Alps and Appenines twice in a fortnight and more please see the attached pic's

Colin Its off to Goodwood on Friday
DSC07684.JPG and
DSC07680.JPG and
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PostPost by: ardee_selby » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:37 pm

As Gary has pointed out elsewhere...


...you can meet the nicest people in Elanworld...clearly Gino is one of them.

(Just hope he gets some satisfaction after his recent encounter with a scammer :( )

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PostPost by: gino1 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:02 am

Thanks for the lovely appraisals. I was only too pleased to help Colin and was fortunate enough to have a brand new clutch cylinder in my garage to solve the problem.
It was a shame that I could not have taken some photos with Colin's sprint and my elans.
However there's always next year and of course I extend my support, whenever possible, to all Elan owners who come to Italy that have problems with their cars.
If any of you are visiting Italy in your elans and come close to Milan get in touch. :D
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