Anyone have an Elan in the Detroit area? I need some photos

PostPost by: Cars In Depth » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:14 pm

Hi, I'm a long time Lotus fan and have owned a Series 2 Elan DHC for almost 40 years. It's in pieces in what is now my ex's garage, but it's still mine and someday maybe I'll win the lottery and restore it.

Anyway, a while back I started a car culture web site called Cars In Depth, which features stereo 3D photos and video (if you don't have 3D capabilities on your computer, there are 2D options). Not all the posts there have 3D content, but if I can illustrate and article with something 3D, I prefer that. I want to do a post on the Elan but mine is in no shape for photos. If you have an Elan and live in the Detroit area and if it's in nice enough shape that you want to show it to the general public, I'd love to take some photos and video of your car.

The general thrust of the article, btw, is that the Elan is the most influential sports car of the last 50 years. It spawned two obvious imitators: The Toyota 2000GT chassis is a near copy of the Elan's other than the fact that the 2000GT has a 6cyl DOHC, not a 4. Of course the other imitator is only the best selling sports car ever, the Miata. I suppose you could also say that it influenced Alfa and Fiat as well. The Elan was arguably the first modern sports car - compare it's specs to the MG or Triumph cars of the early 60s. The Elan had four wheel disc brakes, IRS, a fiberglas body and it simply outperformed every other 4 cyl sports car at the time and probably a few 6 cyl cars. Hell, back in the day I remember beating a 302 Mustang in impromptu drag race. It's still the standard by which cars' handling are measured.

Please contact me via email at [email protected] or by phone at 248-632-6804

Ronnie Schreiber
Cars In Depth

The site is compatible with common 3D formats as well as 2D and if you have some red/cyan 3D glasses, here's Jim Clark's Indy 500 winning Lotus 38 at the Henry Ford Museum.
Cars In Depth
Posts: 1
Joined: 16 Aug 2011

PostPost by: lotocone » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:48 pm


If you don't get any replies, I suggest going to Battle of the Brits on Sept. 11.

Last year there were 4-5 Elans and some of them were very nice. Maybe one of the owners there would like to talk with you.

Mine is coming along but not in great shape.
1969 S4
Third Gear
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