So what does your Elan/Plus2 look like today?

PostPost by: Quart Meg Miles » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:09 pm

Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be.

Season's Grittings to everyone.

Elan at Shripney floods Jan 2011.jpg and
Yes sir, we're closing the road in this direction!

26/4088 1965 S1½ Old and scruffy but in perfect working order; the car too.
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PostPost by: jk952 » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:54 pm

Boxing day, with a touch of Atget... :)

Boxing day 2012.jpg and

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PostPost by: gjz30075 » Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:56 pm

Andy, the line is roughly 14" and it takes a 180 degree turn to the rear, from the slave, and is simply attached to the frame. The picture is shot looking forward, underneath. You can see the clutch fork boot in the background.. Hope this helps.

Greg Z

p.s. I know I posted the part numbers somewhere but can't find the thread at the moment....
remotebleed.JPG and
Last edited by gjz30075 on Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPost by: bast0n » Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:11 pm

Andy, the line is roughly 14" and it takes a 180 degree turn to the rear and is simply attached to the frame. The picture is shot looking forward, underneath. You can see the clutch fork boot in the background.. Hope this helps.

Greg Z

In the spirit of Christmas I will be gentle - but what on earth has this got to do do with what your Elan looks like today?

Move......................with my best wishes to pastures more appropriate! :roll:
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PostPost by: gjz30075 » Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:17 pm

Nothing. Just answering Andy's question from a few posts back.
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PostPost by: abstamaria » Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:11 pm

The slim connections are my earlier photo of my car on the lift and me below, thinking there must be an easier way to bleed that slave cylinder, and Greg's serendipitous, incidental comment on his remote bleeder. I agree a new thread will be good.

Thanks, Greg. Remember a kind member reposted your part numbers, so I have them. This is my next project so I hope my next photo of my Elan will have that in place.

In a month, it will be 36 years since I first saw my Elan, hub deep in snow at La Monsa Motors in New Jersey. I bought it a few days later - a joyous event! Happy New Year to all.

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PostPost by: garyeanderson » Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:53 pm

The morning started off cold, 6 degrees F. By 11am it was up to a balmy 20F so before the sun dropped in the sky I figured to get out for a drive. I checked the fuel in the tank with the redwood dip stick and it told me I had enough for a short drive (about 2 inches so I kept it to less than 10 miles) but managed to stop at a few spots (some reruns) and get a few pictures. The storm that was mostly rain but had turned into a couple inches of white stuff had the plow trucks out but they also dumped a bit of salt. The salt had done its job and had dried and the other vehicles had powdered it and the wind had take most of it blown away. What was left was dry and none of the snow was going to be melting so I went and took the shore road. As you can see in the pictures none of it stuck to the S2. Hope spring gets here soon, I need to do some work on this driver... :D


the Welch company.JPG and

Pier 44.JPG and

Lighthouse parking lot .JPG and

THe Snackery.JPG and
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PostPost by: Mazzini » Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:17 pm

The S3 arrived today, it's passed it's MOT and now I just have to register it.
L1010016.jpg and
L1010013.jpg and
L1010002.jpg and
L1010001.jpg and
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PostPost by: lotocone » Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:52 am

Mazzini, The S3 looks great in white. Will you be able to drive it soon, or will you wait for Spring?

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PostPost by: Mazzini » Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:56 am

Hello Bob,

I hope that you had a good Christmas and New Year. I have to register the car before I can use it on the road, but unfortunately I leave on Sunday for a three week overseas business trip - February looks pretty much the same, so it's not out of choice, but it looks like the car won't be used till March or April.

Hope all is well,

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PostPost by: jensmartin » Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:53 pm

Elan +2 S130 -72, picture is from autumn in south of sweden.
Had my first outing today as it was dry and sunny.

Elan_+2_72.jpg and
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PostPost by: SamIAm » Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:28 am

Envey!!! Not only the car but I havn't seen grass and leaves for three months and expect it will be another four here in the middle of Canada.
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PostPost by: RedS4 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:35 am

Be careful what you wish for ! I drove from Queensland to Sydney via the inland route where the temperature averaged 41 Celsius (no not in the Elan).
On the weekend some places exceeded 48 (about 128F). This is an interesting place in summer....
Evan J
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PostPost by: bast0n » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:48 am

I am sorry for this one as it is certainly not today - but I have just been sent it from Abalos in Rioja, Spain where we were in September.
It makes me smile when you see where modern car design is heading - big? No - XXXXXXX Enormous!!

photo.JPG and
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PostPost by: garyeanderson » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:49 pm

Real winter has gotten in the way of me getting out to enjoy the S2 since my last reply on January 3rd. Early A.M. temperatures in the low single digits F and some day time highs in the mid teens Fahrenheit. Tuesday it warmed up and all of the ice melted the rains came and washed away the salt and after two days of near 60 F degrees its back into the mid 30's. The sun was, so out I went. The Elan started up with no issues, first stop was to get fuel and I dropped a $20 in the tank and went for a short ride around town. Here are a few more spots that I haven't posted yet.

Mann Hill Road.JPG and

The Glades.JPG and

parachi.JPG and
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