PostPost by: pereirac » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:45 pm

Nice photo Christain,
Interesting stripes on the car, is the arrow to help you find the front of the car in the snow?

My Elan comes out in the snow as well, this time it was the Jura on the French/Swill border

snow.jpg and

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PostPost by: Spyder fan » Sat Dec 04, 2010 8:49 pm

Spoken like a true Scotsman! ------ (sic) I canna stand footie, & I canna stand cricket and anything else them Sassenachs invented!

Nothing personal, just a bit of zenophobia (and dyslexia) you understand?

Kindest regards

Alan Thomas
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:36 pm

I know, I know...But I just can't stand it. Footie as you called it!

I have tried believe me. But to no avail. I played it like mad when I was young as well, & I don't know when the change happened. Guess I just gave up on it. I won't go into the politics and corruption etc etc, but my proudest statement I constantly make is.. They would have to pay me to go and watch them and even then VERY very unlikely. Be they English. Scottish or any flaming ish.

I had to leave a hotel function one night when a group of footballers crashed the do... I tell you, that is the one and only time
Don't you know who I am?? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When I had recovered my composure and stopped laughing, you should have seen his face when I said... Errr NO. I did not honestly have a clue who he was, and didn't want to either..

:? Ah well!! I spend enough time on the Car! Can you imagine Mrs B's reactions to me buzzing off to the match as well? Could well be fatal I would imagine..

Happy days..and sorry for diverting.. End of conversation... So to speak. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Al' ... 8)
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PostPost by: reb53 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:11 am

I guess a good way to express feelings to date would be what I got printed on a tee shirt for my young son.....(some years ago now, I've mellowed a little..).

If it rolls, floats, flies, or crashes,
Runs on gasoline, or high explosives,
Shoots a big bullet,
Makes lots of noise, producing torque and recoil,
Then it's COOL.

But if it's a ball made out of leather inflated with air,
Hit with a bat, racket, or club,
Played on a course, green, or court,
By yuppies or liberals,

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PostPost by: pharriso » Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:50 pm

To quote Ernest Hemingway:

?Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports ... all others are games.?
Phil Harrison
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:28 pm

I also rate Flying, Scuba, and Parachuting... Any one of those can kill an idiot too... :lol: :lol: :lol: Never jumped out of a Plane. Flew a lot of the daft buggers that did though.. Nutters!!

Have fun now.. Its nearly Xmas.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Al.... 8)
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PostPost by: elans4dhc » Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:53 pm

Is about Lotus Elans or about Lotus Elans?

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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:34 pm

Lotus Elans mainly... With the odd diversion... :lol:

Dont panic Andrew. Normal service will be resumed shortly. :roll:

Andrew.. Can I visit again? I would like to try my bored out release bearing holder on the input tube of the 5 speed. And. I have a load of nuts n bolts for you.. A gift for your help...

Al..... 8)
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