See Europe in a 40 year old Lotus

PostPost by: richard sprint » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:41 pm


I'm assuming so - otherwise my ongoing restoration i.e. rolling chassis with no body might be a rare sight to see!

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PostPost by: Leo Leentvaar » Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:36 am

Sounds like a nice plan gents but how do we get ourselves organis(z)ed??
Planning such an event is quite an undertaking so the main question is do we sub this out or is there anyone in here that wishes to do this labo(u)r of love?
Here are a couple of things that came to mind when thinking aloud:
1. timing what time of year, how many days
2. Milage ties in with location and # of days on the road
3. where do we start and where do we end?
Europe may be smaller than the USA but still there's plenty of nice roads to
choose from. You can sometimes do three countries in one day.
4. Budget, support vehicles, crews, hotels, food etc, ferry crossings when you start in the UK.

Our forum members come from many parts of Europe and may provide valuable input on some of the legs of this tour by using their local knowlegde. But somewhere some one needs to take the lead here and get ourselves organised.

Anyway that's my tuppence (two cents) worth.
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:45 am

Well... Lets ge the holidays out of the way 1st.

Tim /Mark/ and I look to be up for the org' etc. We do need a small committee for this.

1st we will post the proposed trip/suggestion etc. Once this is aggreed best not to change it. You can't please everyone all of the time.

The trip suggestion 'post' will contain proposed date(s) and destination/route. Where we should meet up.On the continent no doubt. For EG a town near the route and close to ferry port/chunnel. Some will use ferries (me for EG), others the tunnell possibly. Once we know the numbers and route/date we can use local knowledge if any to set up visits and give hotel/ guesthouse suggestions.

Those up for doing the trip can add their name to the list. Up to them then to arrange ferries or whatever and book the proposed hotel(s)
We then meet up at the aggreed place and go touring. Heading to the 1st Hotel.

In the 1st instance we need to find out how many European touring 'newbies' we have. How long milage wise a trip and decide from there. My initail thoughts are not a big milage to start off with. We have loads of options. Even a trip to the ring with a couple of days on the rivers. Mosel / Rhine etc. Some shopping for the ladies? Rhine cruise? Day visit to Koblenz?... Then a gentle trip back up again. Just a thought. Perhaps some of the French specialists can propose something. Le Mans? do the24hr thing? etc etc. Possibilities are endless.
Longer trip could be Italian lakes via a pass or two? tour round Lake Como/Garda ?? Interlaken for a few days? Do some microlite flying? Paragliding? hill walking etc.. Great fun! Longer trip like this would be a min 10 day with 14 being better. Alps visit could be lengthened by using the autorail overnight back up into N Germany. Gives an extra day where you prefer to be.

Lets have your thoughts on a trip.
I am off for Germany on the 22nd this month. 14days..

Alex B....
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PostPost by: Elanintheforest » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:17 am

Well, Alex, I'm probably not up for the grand European tour. Trouble is, I've spent the last 30 years working in Europe, Australia and the US, and travelling a lot in those places....I now want to see more of the UK!! I feel the need to get back to basics...fed up with sunshine, airports, hotels and the normal touring routes...I need pubs, rain, greenery and tents! Probably not what a lot of others are after, methinks.

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PostPost by: sinkyb17 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:33 am

Mark I am with you, I have done the European stuff in a convertible (far too blooming hot) spent more time with the hood up. (which is why less people in the hot countries have soft tops) we in uk have far more soft tops per head than any where else in europe due to our more changeable and cooler climate. I have for the last 20yrs done the uk in my Healey and the Elan and the diversity of climate and scenery is unbeatable.

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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:04 pm

Well open to suggestions..It can be anywhere! Problem is I can be all over the UK when working. We will get busmans holiday situes no matter where is suggested.

Bring it on though boys.. :)

David. I want to see you asap. :evil: Can you e mail or PM me and let me know when convenient.

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PostPost by: denicholls2 » Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:40 pm

OK, so here's the variant I'm interested in.

I fly to Europe with the companion of my choice.

Waiting for me at the airport or someplace easily accessible is an Elan, size doesn't matter, that I use to tour Europe. A Just 2 would encourage us to acquire less crap along the way. An agreed fee (and appropriate deposit) is exchanged with its owner and off we go.

At the end of my tour, the Elan is returned safe and sound and happier for the jaunt.

We see Europe in a 40 year old Lotus, owner gets car exercised properly.

Any takers? :wink:
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:16 pm

Hi All,
Just returned home from a super touring holiday in Germany with our Z4. It was hot! but we had the hood down almost all the time. Only time it was up was the 1 showery day we had. Can you imagine having that luxury in the uk? esp' Scotland? We have just had one of the worst summers in history! I can tell you now that it was superb to have the option of using the car topless if you will. This, 99% of the time is just not a possibility here. Motoring down the Rhine, hood down in 25 ish deg' was just unbeatable. Sitting outside having dinner in Rudisheim in our hotel's winegarden and enjoying temp's of just over 20 deg well into the evening? superb! going for a walk around town, tables and chairs everywhere. Folk having a drink, talking, having fun etc. Just wonderful...Yes, it can be done in the UK, but could you plan it? I would tell Sinky to keep his 'diversity of climate' I favour some reliable sunshine any day of the week. Fancy planning a family barbie next week David?
Or. Anyone for a weeks camping ?? We could not even get through the Glamis castle show without a piss down. The campers are still drying out their tents.
I also beg to differ scenery wise. It is easily beatable. Scotland/uk has some great spots, superb in fact, but not a lot compares with some of the Alpine (for E.G.) scenery. No way!! And believe me, after a long career doing 40+k mls / year doing my job in all parts of the uk and Ireland, I do know what I am talking about.

It is also nice to be able to drive along not having to catch the water pouring into your car with a towel on your lap! Having said that I can tell you that my Elan (so far!) has not shown any leaks.. :shock: Needless to say Biking abroad is just not comparable with here. You just can't do it here without getting drowned. I have tried that many times. Now I just will not attempt it. EVERY single planned trip this year has had some bad weather. Most of our club bike trips have been called off for this reason. Unlucky perhaps? and yes, there have been some good weekends. But not many.

I also spent some time counting the DHC's abroad this trip just to see if Sinky was poss'correct with his 'more here than there' theory. I counted 2 (approx')cars out of 10 with soft tops & they were mainly all down. I have done the same here and the figures don't add up. I counted way less the 1 car in ten here. Where did you get those numbers from Dave? Care to tell us? I would be most interested to see if that is indeed the case. I am not saying this is incorrect at all, but I would Like to see the proof.

The 'tour' will depend on the numbers keen to go overseas, and I can promise some fantastic places if we do it. I am unlikly to be interested in a tour of Scotland. Somewhere down south would be different though. Not huge miles with good places of interest would do me. :)

Alex B.... 8)
Last edited by alexblack13 on Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:33 pm

Here's an option... Autozug (German Autorail) to somewhere in South. Salzburg for e.g. Tour.. do some passes, or feet up somewhere with a beer or two!! :) :) Just enjoying the weather etc. Drive the best of roads... ? days later. Back to (say) Innsbruck. Car back on Autozug overnight to Dusseldorf. Up in the morning Short drive back to ferry / tunnel etc... Home same day. :)
Keeps the milage down. Gives more time where you might prefer to be. Not much more costs all things considered. Great fun for a group. (We had 8 bikes and 16 nutters on the last trip we did!! What a time we had... fantastic!!)

All names welcome.... (well nearly all :twisted: )

Here is the link for a looksee.

Alex B.... (Considerably lighter and fitter by the day... :D )
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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:38 pm

!!! I ment to put this up as an option also !! Sorry!!

Le Mans for the 24 hr?? I would enjoy that.

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PostPost by: Bill » Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:27 pm

Gary and All

OK But how do I get my 1600 from western Canada to Europe / UK from Vancouver Island? This could be fun!!

Bill Rathlef
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PostPost by: GreekS1 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:54 am

Sounds great! I will definitely try to join you from Greece. Already planning an extensive tour for next summer.

I?d like to leave Greece early July, visit Le Mans Classic along the way to the UK. I will then leave the car to a specialist (ie Paul Matty) for its annual service plus anything other it may need by then. Fly back to Greece then return again later in July, oick it up, to do a couple of events there and drive home via the Alps.

I?ve been doing a lot of European trips in my S1 elise over the past summers, even coming to the UK for the Lotus 60th! This year I didn?t do anything and I really want to start again next year!!! So depending on when you guys are going. Count me in!!!

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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:30 am

Hi All,
I am begining to get quite excited about a trip to Le mans. Anyone else? We could meet up and have a good time. Even perhaps camp out. Barbie..Few some of the racing etc.Visit local towns in convoy. That would be cool. Others from within the European continent could make it there also to join the party.

Just about to ask for names. I am off on a med' cruise now from the 13th of this month. Ruby wedding anivers' and wife's birthday + my full recovery from bypass op'. We are going to have a ball believe me. Might be a day or two recovering!! So, How's about some serious discussion on this (or another) trip? Who fancies Le Mans? Who fancies the Alps?

Tim?? Do you fancy helping and or taking part??

Untill I get back then...

Alex B.... 8)
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PostPost by: GrUmPyBoDgEr » Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:48 am

Isn't there the biennual Historic LeMans next year? Another alternative perhaps?
I think that if you've not already booked accomodation camping may now remain the only alternative, I hear that it's great fun though.
There's already a whole bunch of Lotus drivers that drive to both events.
I think they meet up with a French Lotus owners group & all set up camp together.
(Nearly said "Camp together")

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PostPost by: alexblack13 » Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:13 am

D.J.Pelly wrote:Isn't there the biennual Historic LeMans next year? Another alternative perhaps?
I think that if you've not already booked accomodation camping may now remain the only alternative, I hear that it's great fun though.
There's already a whole bunch of Lotus drivers that drive to both events.
I think they meet up with a French Lotus owners group & all set up camp together.
(Nearly said "Camp together")


God knows what I would do without you guys making me laugh. :D :D :D

Camping would be cool and for me weather permitting. Sleeping in the Elan would not be an option. I would need assistance to get out in the morning.

I will look into the options for that event. Could be the one.

Anyone else??

Alex B....
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