Parking lift

PostPost by: alexblack13 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:09 pm

Just under the bodywork. In front of the rear wheels.I have a pc of 3'' x about 1.5'' section steel rect'. With 'pads welded onto it to position just where the strongest part of the body is.The pads(rubber covered) keep the body of the jack 'adaptor thingie' clear of the exhaust and the chassis. It stretches the width of the car. Scissor jack below that and up she goes. I am also trying to design/make a jig to lift one side at a time. Either under the susp' strut, if I can reach it, Or safely under the A frame as near to the wheel as poss'. Without damaging anything. Not got there yet! Still scratching my head!! I want to lift the wheel clear without straining my driveshafts (Spider ones still have do'nts. 1 each side)

Working on it!!! :shock:

I will take a pic or two when I get back home...

Alex B....
Alex Black.
Now Sprintless!!
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