1966 S3 FHC story.

PostPost by: gpaoli » Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:24 pm

Hallo to all,
I would like to know whether someone can help me to trace the story of my car.
I have bought a S3 FHC, RHD, first registered in UK on January 17th, 1966, registered FRR 850 D. It seems an early S3 car because it has still the window switches on the doors and is a pre-airflow model.
I have written to Lotus cars, but they only confirmed it has left the factory on January 1966.
Now it has a red and white colour scheme as a Sprint with white interior trim (which seems at least unusual), and it should have done some races in UK.
Anybody knows something about it? I will be very grateful for any info.
Thanks to all.
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