
PostPost by: NickWilmshurst » Thu Dec 07, 2000 11:59 am

I've been sitting here rather smuggly for the last couple of weeks watching
the debate about doughnuts vs. cvs thinking "ha! this doesn't apply to doughnuts have only done 1000 miles"! How wrong I was....

Last Sunday it stopped raining here in the UK (quite a rare event this
autumn) so your's truely got the Elan out and went for a spin. I pulled up
at a set of traffic lights in the middle lane of the A40 - which is a VERY
busy road. Next to me a BMW Z3 pulled up and started gunning his engine. OK
thinks I...we'll see which accellerates best. Lights change, down goes my
right foot, BANG goes my transmission!

So, there I am - BMW off in the distance, stuck in the middle lane with cars
hooting and zooming past unable to even push the Elan to the side.
Thankfully, a black cab driver (!) stopped behind and together we
shuvved/carried the car out of the traffic.

The next hour and a half was spent on the side of the road disconnecting the
drive of the doughnuts was busted in two places and two bolts
were busted. Then I had to fix the unbroken doughnut back so the brake disk
was secured. Then phoned my next door neighbour who kindly towed me home.

I've now decided to go for some semi-solid shafts just for ease of
installation. I had them on an S2 about ten years ago and they were fine.
Back then I got them from a company called Performance Unlimited...somewhere
in Essex I think. Does anyone know if they still exist?

Anyway, that's the story of my Sunday...
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PostPost by: Arno Church » Thu Dec 07, 2000 1:34 pm

So, there I am - BMW off in the distance, stuck in the middle lane with cars
hooting and zooming past unable to even push the Elan to the side

And the moral is- the Bimmer runs CV joints
Arno Church
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