
PostPost by: abstamaria » Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:52 am

Dear Dennis,

As promised, I have attached two photos of my Elan, with the left and right-hand badges.

My car is painted in Sprint colors, so this has dictated the vertical position of the badges. From period pictures, it seems the badges should be lower in a single-color car. It appears, also, that the badges should be about a badge-and-a-half distance away from the door line.

Ultimately, after all the research, my wife and I just placed the badges where we thought they looked best! This is consistent with the Robinson and Ross book (Authentic Lotus Elan), which says "The type, use and location of Elan badges is, even after exhaustive research, a minefield which defies definitive comment."

In any case, I hope the photos are useful.


PS. I copied the List on this mail in the hope that someone will provide "definitive comment," helpful to you.
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