Gauge Placement/Handbrake Question

PostPost by: brassringfarm » Mon Jul 14, 2003 3:42 pm

Lotus experts:
Scott drove his Elan down to my home yesterday to encourage me in my renovation and to allow me to check out things on his car for reference. It's certainly the nicest Elan I've seen.
Question - in an American LHD car - are all instruments the mirror image of a British car - or does the Tach remain on the left and the Speedo on the right? I may have mine reversed.
Question - where in the world does the parking brake bolt to anything? When I ran the cable last night and hooked up the brake itself - the attachment bolt was precisely in between the firewall horizontal section above the pedals and the dash. I can only move the brake so far forward before it interferes with the pedal cluster. My parts manual didn't add any insight. Is there a metal piece stretching between the dashboard and the firwall the serves as an attachment point? THe cable itself comes into the passenger compartment about 4 inches before the parking brake mechanism, itself begins.
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PostPost by: Bill » Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:46 pm


On both my 1600 and S2 the tach is on the left, driver facing dash.

The handbrake mount is bolted to the upper footwell by a 1/4" x 3/4" bolt. the bolt hole in the well is located directky below tke bonnet catch mechanism, offset to the left about 1/2", allmost against the base of where the engine bay bulkhead goes up in that area, or if viewing the engine bay from foreward it is above and to the right slightly from the factory ID tag.

You may have the hand brake flex conduit protrudjng in to the cockpit a bit to much, mine joins the brake operating mechenism right inside the bulkhesd

Hope this helps.

Bill Rathlef
Vancouver Island, Canada
"Keep your stick on the ice, boys."
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PostPost by: Elan45 » Tue Jul 15, 2003 5:21 pm


All my Elans have had the tach on the left, but all are in the range 55xx to 74xx.


Scott drove his Elan down to my home yesterday to encourage me in my renovation and to allow me to check out things on his car for reference. It's certainly the nicest Elan I've seen.
Question - in an American LHD car - are all instruments the mirror image ofa British car - or does the Tach remain on the left and the Speedo on the right? I may have mine reversed.
Question - where in the world does the parking brake bolt to anything? WhenI ran the cable last night and hooked up the brake itself - the attachmentbolt was precisely in between the firewall horizontal section above the pedals and the dash. I can only move the brake so far forward before it interferes with the pedal cluster. My parts manual didn't add any insight. Is there a metal piece stretching between the dashboard and the firwall the serves as an attachment point? THe cable itself comes into the passenger compartment about 4 inches before the parking brake mechanism, itself begins.

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