Oil Leak, is it excessive?

PostPost by: jimj » Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:57 am

I collected the car 4 weeks ago, having had a new clutch fitted, drove 100 miles home and the car hasn`t been used since. I see now a pool of oil slightly to the rear of the crankcase. See pics. The engine looks quite dry from above and has only dropped the odd spot before. Do you think I can live with this or is it a portent of something worse? Maybe a faulty crankcase seal?
oil 001.jpg and
oil 002.jpg and
oil 003.jpg and
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PostPost by: rgh0 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:06 am

Looks about standard and may stay the same for many years without getting worse. it is probably the rear engine crank seal but there are a number of other potential sources
Figure out is it Gear Box or engine and is it fresh or coming out of the backbone where it may have collected for sometime. Then try to track down exactly where its coming from by careful cleaning and then looking for fresh leaks

It can be fixed but many live with leaks like this just make sure you check the levels regualrly once you figure where its coming from.

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PostPost by: MickG » Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:24 am

Hi Jim
Having recently completed a rebuild I was a little miffed to find a small drip coming from the bellhousing/block area. But this is just a drip and is not continuous. Having taken great care to seal and torque all bolts correctly I was not happy, but can live with it. The leak you show is far greater than mine, and if, as Rohan has pointed out it is quite normal then i consider myself quite lucky
One thing that has been mentioned is the removal of the engine by putting a rope around the sump and through the engine mounts as most people do. The additional weight on the sump bolts could disturb the sump to block/rear oil seals?
Just a thought but seems a reasonable assumption to me.
Best check and try to see where the leak is actually coming from, judging by the oil patch should not be to difficult, could be an easy fix or not :cry:

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PostPost by: 512BB » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:21 am

Oo, that looks like quite a lot of oil to me.

I read with interest Jim, the story you told re your poor experience, with the customer service you received, when the car was at Matty's recently, and I applauded you, in a post that I replied to at that time, for having the cojones to stand up and detail your experience. Sadly, my comments were removed by Jeff, and on reflection, I did go over the top. Difficult to believe, I know.

Anyway, I digress. You have a number of problems as I see it. 1. That is way to much oil to have dropped out of a static engine, or gearbox, not to be of major concern. You like to do, from what I have read, European trips. Could you rest easy on a trip, with the knowledge that that amount of oil is coming from somewhere. I couldn't. 2. You will have to try to identify where the oil is coming from, as has been already mentioned. And 3. Once you have done that, you will have to have a think, as to whether you think, that any of the work that you had carried out at Matty,s caused the leak.

From what I have heard, PM are a reputable and trustworthy outfit, even though you had issues with the service you received. It maybe, that a phone call to them, informing them of the situation, mentioning, that there was no oil leak before they had it, might illicit the responce you want to hear. Of course, you could always get the 'we never touched that part Sir' responce. Eg, if it turned out to be the rear crankshaft oil seal, well, they would not have disturbed that fitting a new clutch. But cross that bridge should you come to it.

Either way, I am sure it will have to go back to them, unless you are able to sort it out yourself. Keep us up to date, and good luck with it.

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PostPost by: jimj » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:00 pm

Thanks for the replies and first of all I must say that I have been delighted with the work Paul Matty did. I`ve been over and under the car and I see various small examples of very thorough workmanship. I would have preferred better communication but following my earlier post Paul rang to say that the post had been brought to his attention and wanted to know if everything was satisfactory. I was out but my wife assured him we were very pleased. Excellent follow-up service.

It`s for this reason that I`m loathe to demand that Matty`s simply collect the car and sort the oil leak which certainly didn`t pre-exist.

I`ve been under the car today and the sump is dry, dipstick level is up to mark, I`m even thinking gearbox oil, but why?

Leslie is spot on in that we`re doing the London to Lisbon in April so want to be completely confident.
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PostPost by: MickG » Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:48 pm

Just a thought
Clutch fluid?

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PostPost by: 512BB » Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:15 pm

Jim wrote:
It`s for this reason that I`m loathe to demand that Matty`s simply collect the car and sort the oil leak which certainly didn`t pre-exist.

Jim, You would not be demanding anything. You would just be putting the situation to them, as it stands, and seeing what the response was.

Alternatively, you could do your own investigations, maybe go for another drive, SNOW!!!!!!, and then see if the problem persists.

Or, you could phone them, inform them of the leak, and say you will keep them abreast of the situation. Something us boys always like to do! JOKE

You know, I really must get out of my dressing gown. What a sight.

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PostPost by: pharriso » Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:44 pm

That's a huge leak... It would call her Valdez until it's fixed!

Re: Engine Oil vs. Gearbox Oil Vs. Clutch (Brake) fluid, each has a distinct colour (eng. spelling) & smell.
* Smell the fluid from the patch & compare it to engine oil from your dip stick, if it is the same you know it's engine Oil.
(looks like engine oil to me.)
* Gearbox Oil has a slimey feel & a strange smell
* Clutch fluid should be yellowish & clear.

Best of luck with the fix...
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PostPost by: types26/36 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:47 pm

I couldn't live with that leak...its too much!.....yes I know TC's do tend to drip (well some do)
It looks to be coming from above the starter and running down, I would clean it off then run it checking the head to block rubber tube, the petrol pump and also the rear "D" plugs/cam cover gasket.
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PostPost by: jimj » Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:08 pm

Well... I`ve just been and smeared some of the spillage on white paper, then wiped the dipstick on another piece. They both look identical and smell of just paper, that is to say smell of nothing much.
Inspecting the car I`ve had the car up on axle stands at the front for a couple of weeks and wonder (hope) that maybe it is an earlier spillage that has run out with the incline. I`ll drop the car and move it forwards and see what happens.
Thanks again,
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PostPost by: pharriso » Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:19 pm

jimj wrote:Well... I`ve just been and smeared some of the spillage on white paper, then wiped the dipstick on another piece. They both look identical and smell of just paper, that is to say smell of nothing much.
Thanks again,

So you've confirmed (as expected) that it is engine oil... Usual suspects are rear crank seal, sump gasket(s) & breather..

To eliminate the cam cover gasket, Is the rear of the cylinder head dry?
Phil Harrison
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PostPost by: AHM » Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:56 pm

From the look of your garage floor you have had the occasional drip before.

jimj wrote:I`ve had the car up on axle stands at the front for a couple of weeks

You may have submerged the Crank seal or a small fault in the sump gasket-joint, which normally just weeps.
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PostPost by: 512BB » Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:21 pm

JimJ wrote:
I`ve had the car up on axle stands at the front for a couple of weeks

Jim, you haven't been wasting my time have you??????????? :D I don't often use these, but at least Im dressed now.

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PostPost by: JJDraper » Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:51 pm

It does look to be a large patch of oil. Mine leaks small amounts from most areas, but as I don't valet the engine bay much, it looks far worse! However, as I park on the road a leak of this magnitude would soon cause strife with the neighbours! Recent trips to, France & Italy via the Alps resulted in no requirement for an oil top up, but a real need for the oil cooler fitted on my last trip (which leaked at the unions!). Recommend Millers CSS 20/60 semi synth for the hot weather. Recently changed to Castrol Magnatec 10/40 (and removed the oil cooler - only took 20 mins) for the colder weather.

When you can, take it for some longer runs. If there is a slight muck build up, or a 'set' on the crank/seal interface (especially after a lay-up), some heat cycles will help clear it. I use mine for a regular commute all year round, especially in bad weather so I can park in the multi-storey, out of the rain...

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PostPost by: jimj » Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:53 pm

Pardon my ignorance but, Leslie, do you mean having the car jacked up would cause a leak? If so I do apologise for delaying your toilet.
I`ve lowered it now and oil actually ran from the bellhousing. When I say ran I don`t mean pour but a thin stream, say a teaspoonfull.
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