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Thanks for wiper info

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:46 pm
by brassringfarm
Lotus friends
My wiper is now working. I looked at link for the wiring diagram for the wiper and realized that power goes to terminal 1 and the switch is on the ground side of the unit, in parallel to the internal parking switch. Suddenly it all made sense. I was trying 'like all get out' to make it work by switching the power side of the unit to no avail. Wiring is very similar to old US homes where switches for ceiling lights were often on the neutral side of the circuit - so switching off the light switch did NOT kill the power to a light! (Suprise! Suprise!)
This list is great.

Thanks for wiper info

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:50 pm
by s2lola
Which explains the shock I got rewire my sister-in-laws kitchen

-----Original Message-----
From: ***@***.***lto:***@***.***
Sent: 2004/08/11 10:46
To: ***@***.***
Subject: [] Thanks for wiper info

Lotus friends
My wiper is now working. I looked at link for the wiring diagram for the
wiper and realized that power goes to terminal 1 and the switch is on the
ground side of the unit, in parallel to the internal parking switch.
Suddenly it all made sense. I was trying 'like all get out' to make it work
by switching the power side of the unit to no avail. Wiring is very similar
to old US homes where switches for ceiling lights were often on the neutral
side of the circuit - so switching off the light switch did NOT kill the
power to a light! (Suprise! Suprise!) This list is great. Paul

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